Back-to-School Supplies Drives

Back-to-School Supplies Drives

Back-to-School Supplies Drives

Support academic success with our Back-to-School Supplies Drives at Divine House of Music. We equip students at Blue Mountain with the essential tools they need to excel in their studies. From notebooks to pens, your contributions prepare them for a productive school year. Participate in this noble cause—donate school supplies today and invest in a brighter future for our children.

Divine House of Music is a non-profit organization based in Blue Mountain, Mississippi, dedicated to using music as a platform to bring us face-to-face with those we're reaching. Whether it is through education—such as tutoring those kids who are still in school and teaching daily life skills to turn adults into functional citizens—or feeding the needy, everything we do and all the fronts we address have one thing in common: music dictates the rhythm and helps us bridge the gaps in our community!